Mentoring/Intuitive Guidance/Wisdom Sessions
Mentoring, Intuitive Guidance, and Wisdom Sessions. (Oracle/Angel/Cards/Basic Numerology, etc.)
Numerology Insights Disclaimer:
This numerology interpretation is to offer insight into the meaning of numbers. This is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be construed as medical, legal or financial advice. Whatever decisions you make or don't make, or any actions taken or not taken with the information given in this report is based solely on your own personal responsibility and choices. (Pa)Tricia Cardone or Health, Wellness & Intuitive Guidance, LLC is not and will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of any information given. This information is for educational purposes only. This interpretation is not a substitute for professional advice of any kind. This service is available for those 18 years +. Thank you.
Please note that the requested, comprehensive numerology report will be generated from a separate (secure and confidential) website that has the necessary software that gathers the information for your specific report. Your full name and birthdate will be keyed into the online software. By purchasing a numerology report you acknowledge, understand and agree to these terms. Should you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to us anytime. Thank you.
Mentoring/Oracle/Wisdom/Tarot Card Insights, etc.
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only! Any divination tools used provide insights for that moment in time. Things are always shifting. Always follow your own inner guidance and always make choices that resonate best with you. I do not give medical, legal, business or financial advice. Please always seek out advice from a qualified professional on these topics. Health, Wellness & Intuitive Guidance, LLC/Tricia Cardone will not be held responsible for your interpretation of the reading/insights you receive or any actions that you may or may not take. You are solely responsible for any decisions that you make. Thank you.